Living & Writing in my authentic life

My first public bio as a lesbian author.

In June 2023, I publicly came out on my Instagram account as a lesbian. The decision to go public was a scary but liberating one. I decided to not worry about whom to let in on my truth. Instead, I wanted to live by my truth. And for me, that was making a statement to my followers, friends and family online. No one was more supportive than my daughter and son. Their acceptance opened the door to my freedom. Since then, I have embraced the journey of altering my old life to fit my authentic self. I received loving and supportive messages on social media, and I’m forever grateful to everyone who reached out. Thank you so much for taking the time to offer me your kind words. During the summer, I left my privileged life as a diplomat’s wife and homemaker, and retired from living a lie. I also cut my long hair, adapted an identity that suited my personality and ended my marriage. There’s no way to sugarcoat my actions. I sacrificed everything I had to be the woman I am today. I went full speed and didn’t look back. 

I’ve recently returned to the states where I battled a road paved with chaos, trials, tribulations, and heartache. But I gained strength, self-reflection, courage, self-love, friendships, new beginnings, and freedom. I am now living the life I always dreamed of having, but never thought would be mine. Even though I walked away from my material world, I am wealthy with spiritual and personal abundance. I never believed I could survive and make it out on my own. Especially as the real me. The woman I hid from everyone, even myself, for forty-four years. With all awakenings comes a story, and mine is just one of many women who have braved the path of adversity. And one day I’ll share my story about why I woke up and could free myself from the balls and chains of denial. But not today, this post is just a beginning.

In the future, I plan on finishing the Ambrosia Hill series, and will soon announce a LBGTQ collab in the works. I’ve decided to embrace my new identity by writing lesbian pulp fiction. Posts on coming out and dating in your forties, and also share on my experiences during my transformation. I hope that my truth will help others and be a positive example to never be afraid to be you.

When someone is living as their authentic self, they become contagious to those around them. The people that love you want you to be you. They need the real you! Be brave, be strong, be a survivor and love yourself for it. You will not fail when you are your higher self.

No going back. No regrets.

Much Love!

Sat, Sep 2 at 11:23 PM



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